Biodynamické high end víno z oblastí Priorat 




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Kód: T112
1 600 Kč / ks
Kategorie: Červené víno
Oblast: D.D.O. Priorat
Odrůda: Cabernet Sauvignon, Garnacha, Merlot, Syrah, Cariñena
Ročník: 2018
Alkohol: 14.5%
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BIO Demeter



Density = 0.9928
Alcohol Content = 14.95 % vol.
Total Acidity = 6.9 g/l
Total Volatile Acidity = 0.78 g/l
Free Sulphur Dioxide = 20 mg/l
Total Sulphur Dioxide = 78 mg/l
Reducing Sugars = 3.3 g/l



Cabernet Sauvignon, Cariñena, Garnacha, Merlot, Syrah


The grapes are harvested by hand and then put onto a sorting table in the winery to select the best berries. They are then put in a cold skin soak in small pre-fermentation vats for three days. The fermentation process lasts 18 days and afterwards the wine is put into French oak barrels for 14 months until it is bottled and continues the ageing process in bottle.

Recommended Serving Temperature: 18ºC

Alcohol Content: 14.50%


Zvěřina, červené maso, kachna, vyzrálý a plísňový sýr


A deep red wine with violet hints. Its intense colour and heavy robe give it a fleshy appearance.


A very aromatic wine with minerals and fruit such as forest fruits like blackberry. Once aired, the ageing in oak gives us smoke and toast. With a more vigorous swirling of the glass, this wine shows us spices, mint and liquorice.


Plné charakteru, s intenzivním a hlubokým tělem, které zaplní chuť. Doteky ovoce se mísí s těmi, které pocházejí ze zrání v sudech. Má dlouhý a dlouhotrvající závěr.


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